
How Do I Create a Task?

Tasks can help you organize your schedule and increase productivity.

Creating a Task

From Navigation Bar:

  • To add a new Task, click on the blue sign located at the top right of your account.

    new nav blue plus sign add task
  • Select "Add Task" from the drop-down menu to pull up the Create Task window.

Calendar - Task Create

Here, you can:
  1. Choose a Task Type
  2. Name your Task
  3. Give your Task a description
  4. Determine the Task's Start/Due Date
  5. Add an End Date
  6. Prioritize your Task
  7. Assign the Task to a team member
  8. Associate a Contact(s) to the Task in the "Related" field
    1. If you have Jobs enabled, there will be a spot for you to relate the Task to a Job(s)
    2. If you create a task in a Contact or Job's file, the Task will automatically be related to that record
  9. Add Tags to your Task
    1. If the Tag does not currently exist, type it into the text field and click "Enter/Return" on your keyboard

Once you've saved the Task, it will appear on your Calendar. If you've related the Task to a Contact and/or Job, you will also find it under the Tasks tab on that record's page.

From Calendar:

  • To add a new Task from the Calendar view, simply click on the Calendar icon located in the navigation bar.
  • From there, select the option to "Add Task".

    Calendar JobNimbus 2023-11-08 at 6.43.11 AM 

  • Follow the step-by-step instructions provided here to easily fill in all the necessary details for your new Task.

From Contact or Job:

  • When you are viewing a Contact or Job record in JobNimbus, you can easily add a Task by clicking on the three dot menu located in the upper right-hand corner of the Contact or Job Details view.
  • From there, select "Add Task" from the drop-down menu.

    Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 7.42.46 AM 
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions provided here to fill in all the necessary details for your new Task.
  • Alternatively, you can also go directly to the Tasks tab for your Contact or Job and add a Task from the Tasks page.

    Job #1051 Christopher Johnson - Roof Repair JobNimbus 2023-11-08 at 7.43.42 AM