How Do I Enable the JobNimbus Integration With HOVER?

To enable the HOVER integration:

  1. Click on your profile icon or initials in the top right corner
  2. Select Settings from the drop-down menu
  3. From the Settings menu on the left, open the Features tab
  4. Under the "3rd Party Features" section, toggle the switch next to HOVER

    HOVER - Enable Feature2
  5. From the left Settings menu, open the HOVER tab

    HOVER - Left Menu option
  6. Click the blue Connect to HOVER button
    Screen Shot 2021-08-09 at 2.41.45 PM
  7. Login to HOVER, if prompted, with your username and password combination.

If you do not have a current HOVER account, you can sign up for one by selecting the blue "First Time? Sign up now" at the login page. Make sure to sign up as a Professional and not a Homeowner.

 8.   You will then be prompted to authorize JobNimbus. Select Allow.



Congratulations! Your HOVER account is now integrated with JobNimbus.