
How do I enable the JobNimbus integration with Zapier?

To connect with Zapier in JobNimbus:

  1. Log into your JobNimbus account
  2. Click on your profile icon or initials in the top right corner
  3. Select Settings from the drop-down menu
  4. From the Settings menu on the left, open the API tab
  5. Click on the New API key button
  6. Under the "Description" column, choose Zapier from the drop-down menu
  7. Assign an Access Profile with Settings access
  8. Click Save
  9. Copy the newly generated key

With your API key in hand, sign in to your Zapier account. To connect to your JobNimbus account:

  1. Select the My Apps tab from the menu on the left
  2. Click the blue Add connection button
  3. Search for "JobNimbus"
  4. A new page will open. Input your copied API key and click "Yes, Continue" to allow Zapier access to your JobNimbus account

Once complete, you may begin creating new Zaps.

For more information regarding Connected Apps, please visit Zapier's Help Page: