
How Do I Enable the JobNimbus Integration With naturalForms?

You will need a naturalForms account before enabling the integration. You will also need to ensure your form's fields are appropriately named and set up, as detailed here.

To integrate with naturalForms:

  1. In your JobNimbus account, click on your profile icon or initials in the top right corner
  2. Select Settings from the drop-down menu
  3. Open the Features tab within the settings menu on the left
  4. Under the “3rd Party Features” section, toggle the switch next to naturalForms


    A new tab for naturalForms will appear in the left-hand Settings menu. If the tab doesn’t appear immediately, refresh the page.

  5. Open the naturalForms tab
  6. Click Connection in the top right corner and then "Connect your naturalForms Account"

    Screen Shot 2021-08-27 at 3.46.20 PM

  7. Plug your naturalForms account credentials into the fields when prompted and click OK

  8. The list of templates you have set up in naturalForms is then displayed. To enable a template to be used with JobNimbus, toggle the switch under the "Status" column ON.

    naturalForms Enable Template

Due to technical reasons, your JobNimbus account can only be synced with one naturalForms account.