
How Do I Reset My Password? (Mobile)

Learn how to access your account from the Mobile App if you do not remember your password or are unable to log in otherwise.

  • On the login screen of the Mobile App, select "Forgot my password".

  • Type your login email address into the field when prompted, then click the Send Instructions button once you've confirmed the email is correct.

  • You can then either open the Email App of your choice by selecting the button, or decide to skip this step and confirm later.


If you do not see an email come through:

  • Make sure to check the spelling of the email address to confirm there are no mistakes.
  • Check your Spam/Junk inbox folders, as well as any "Promotions" folders (ex: Gmail).
  • Select "Try another email address" at the bottom of the screen pictured above if you think you may have misspelled the address.

  • Once you receive the email, click "Choose a new password".

    email reset pw
  • Create your new, unique password and then click "Reset Password". This will automatically log you into your JobNimbus web account.

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  • Ensure that you enter your password accurately. Remember, it is case-sensitive, so you must use the exact uppercase or lowercase letters.
  • Do not share your password with anyone. JobNimbus Support will never ask for your password or credit card information. We only need your login email address to assist you.