
How Do I Use the Jobs Sidebar?

Learn how to utilize the Jobs Sidebar to assess your work at a glance.

On This Page

Enabling the Jobs Sidebar

Using the Jobs Sidebar

Enabling the Jobs Sidebar

In order to enable to Jobs Sidebar, go to the top of your page and toggle the Enable Job Sidebar button on (it will show green when the sidebar has been enabled). 


Using the Jobs Sidebar

Once you have enabled the sidebar, you will then be able to view Jobs without leaving the Boards page. 

To use it, click on a Job card on your Board. The Jobs Sidebar will then open on the right-hand side of your screen.

Here, you can: 

  1. Change the Job's status.
  2. Open the full Job page by selecting Open In and Full Page or New Tab.
  3. View the Job name and address.
  4. Locate the address in Maps. 
  5. View and edit the Job Description.
  6. View, add, or remove the Assignees, Sales Rep, and Subcontractors.
  7. View the related Contacts' information.
  8. View and Edit your Job Fields.
  9. Edit your Job Fields by clicking the gear icon.