
How Do I View My Notifications on JobNimbus Web?

Stay Up-to-Date with JobNimbus in the Notification Center.

Tip: You can customize which events you're notified about by configuring your notification preferences.

Viewing and Filtering Notifications

To view your notifications, select the bell icon at the top right of your page.

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Here, you will be given a list of notifications that you can click to be taken to the record that triggered the notification. 

In the Notification Center, you can:

  1. Show Read or Unread.
  2. Adjust notification filters by clicking the Filter option and selecting from the list pictured below.
    Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 8.36.41 AM 
  3. Remove filters  by clicking the x.
  4. Clear a notification by hovering your cursor over it and selecting Clear.
  5. Select View Email  to redirect you to the email that triggered the notification. 
  6. Mark the notification as Read.
  7. Select View Conversation to redirect you to the text conversation that triggered the notification.

Note: Notifications for the New Sales Experience are controlled from within the Estimate Settings. To learn how to customize notifications for the New Sales Experience, click here.