Custom Reports

Is There a Way To Export My Custom Reports?

Export your JobNimbus Reports into two different file types.

After saving a Custom Report and being directed to the overview, click on the 3 dots to the right of the title.

Custom Report View Menu

  • Export to CSV allows you to download your report as a comma-separated value file.
  • Export to Excel allows you to download your report to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Exporting a report will only download the data of the records in the Custom Report you are viewing. Make sure to include all of the information you wish to download, as edits made to reports inside of JobNimbus will not automatically translate to the exported file


You cannot print a report from JobNimbus, but if you download a report from JobNimbus, you can print it from a program on your computer.

If you receive an error code stating {"HttpStatusCode":401,"Message":"login is required","StackTrace":null} simply log out and log back in to resolve the issue.