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What is the Payments Tab For?
Learn about the Reconciliation Dashboard, which is housed under the Payments Tab at the top of your JobNimbus page.
What is the Payments Tab?
At the top of your JobNimbus page, you will find the Payments tab.
This tab will show you a simplified version of your JobNimbus Payments Reconciliation Dashboard.
Here, you can:
- Set a date range for the disbursements you would like to see.
- View the Payment Date.
- View the Amount (Gross).
- View Fees/Reductions.
- View the Amount (Net).
- View the disbursement Status.
- Click the Dropdown arrow to view a breakdown of the individual payments in your disbursement.
- The Type of transaction. The Type will be one of the following.
- Sales: Any payment collected on a Job.
- Misc Fees: Fees applied to a payout that was already disbursed, but did not have fees applied at the time of disbursement.
- Rollover: Fractions of cents that are accumulated over time through various transactions that are eventually paid out in this category when there is enough to disburse.
- Chargeback/Returns: Transactions that are charged back or returned.
- Unknown: Other transaction failures. For more information on why that may have failed, login to your JobNimbus Payments account to view the specific payment and payment details.
- The Contact Name of the person who paid.
- The Job that the payment is related to.
- The Invoice that the payment is related to.
- The Gross Amount.
- The Fees and Reductions applied to the payment.
- The Net Amount.
- The Status of the payments in the
- The Reference ID of the payment.
- The Type of transaction. The Type will be one of the following.
- Use the arrows to go to the next page of results.
- Note: The number of results per page cannot be customized at this time.