
How Do I Add or Edit a Board?

Similar to a whiteboard in your office, the Boards feature allows you to visually manage your Contacts, Jobs, and Work Orders.

Note: Boards can only be added and edited through the web version of JobNimbus.

On This Page

Overview Video

Adding a New Board

Edit an Existing Board

Brief Overview Video

Watch the video below to see a brief explanation of how to create and edit boards.


Adding a New Board


To add a new board, navigate to the Boards Overview page.

Add a new Board by selecting the grey rectangle with the sign.

add new boardOnce here, you can:

BoardsV2 - Add Board

  1. Name your Board something relevant to the types of records that will be showing up under the Lists within.
  2. Color the Board for sorting and aesthetic purposes.
  3. Determine to whom you want this Board to be available. You can choose to make it visible to All Team Members or Just Me.
    1. Note: If "Just Me" is selected, no other member of your team will be able to view the Board, even if they are assigned to the records within.
    2. If you have Groups enabled, you will also have the option to allow only specific Groups to see the Board.
  4. Choose your Board's type.
    1. Note: if you have Work Orders enabled, you can create a Board to visualize Work Orders that are associated with either Contacts or Jobs (depending on which tab you selected to configure your Boards).
  5. Filter your Board with the following options. You can learn more about how to filter Boards in this article.

    board filter menu

  6. Customize the title of the Cards that appear within each List.
    1. You can create your own or choose from Contact/Job-specific fields, including custom fields, as well as financial totals.
  7. Customize the body of the Cards that appear within each List.
    1. Add up to three lines of information for easy viewing. Similar to the title, you can utilize template fields, text, and financial totals to display the details you want.
  8. Add a List to the Board.
  9. Save your Board after making any changes.

Editing an Existing Board

Edit a Board by clicking the 3 dots in the top right corner and choosing "Edit" from the menu. You will also have the option to "Delete" a Board entirely.

Deleting a Board will not delete any Contact or Job records from your account. 

three dots edit board

For more details on Board configuration, check out this article.