Contact Records

How do I merge Contacts?

A helpful way to turn duplicated records into one single record.

Locate the record you want to maintain as the primary one, which you will merge another Contact into. 

  • Select the three dots in the top right corner of the Contact's page and choose Merge from the menu. v2 three dot menu pointing to merge
  • As you type the name of the Contact you want to merge into the record whose page you are currently on, JobNimbus will populate a list to choose from. Select the correct option to continue.
    v2 search contact to merge-1
  • Carefully review the popup that appears to confirm the action and then check the box to acknowledge that this action cannot be undone. Click "Merge" once you are certain that you are ready to move forward.
    v2 merge confirmation-1


  • Rememberyou cannot reverse this action. Refer to the above information in the confirmation popup for details. 

Learn how to control who has merging permissions in our Access Profile article.