
My Board is Missing. Where Did It Go?

If your Board is missing, it may be that your Board's access was changed, or that you are selecting the wrong view.

Board Access

Check to see if someone on your Team has access to the Board. More often than not, the Board's Available to settings have accidentally been changed to Just Me or  Only Specific Groups

board view edit available to

Change the dropdown to All Team Members to make it viewable to all of your users again, or add yourself to the Group that has been selected to make it viewable again.

Note: If you are not sure who still has access to a board, speak with your team members to find out who still has access.

Board View

There are two board views you can have within the account if you are on Jobs V1 (the old version of JobNimbus). The Contact and Job tab in the top navigation bar both have board pages underneath them.

If your boards are missing, try clicking on the Contacts Tab or the Jobs Tab (whichever is not currently highlighted) to see if you have accidentally opened the wrong tab.

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 2.49.12 PM

If you are on Jobs V2 and do not see your boards, click on the Jobs tab, then select the down arrow next to the Board name. From there, you can view your available Boards. 


Refer to this article for more information about Board filters.