General Settings

Where Can I Store Universal Documents?

The Company Documents feature can be used to store documents you send to all of your clients as well as files your team needs to access easily.

Enable Company Documents

  • Click on your profile icon or initials in the top right corner.
  • Select Settings from the drop-down menu.
  • From the Settings menu on the left, open the Features tab.
  • Toggle the switch next to Company Documents.

Company Documents - Feature Enable Arrow

Enabling this feature unlocks a new option in your Profile menu.

Accessing Company Documents

On the Web App

Click on your initials or icon in the top right corner and select Documents from the dropdown menu.

Screen Shot 2021-07-27 at 8.56.29 AM

To upload files, click on the +Upload Document button.

Screen Shot 2021-07-27 at 9.00.23 AM

Company Documents - Upload Document Numbered

In the Add Attachment window, you can:

  1. Browse your computer for a file to upload.
  2. Choose a category for the attachment you upload.
    1. To create additional category options, click on your name in the top right corner and select "Settings" from the drop-down menu. Then, open the "Attachment Categories" tab from the left-side navigation menu. You can add custom categories by clicking on the "Add Attachment Category" button in the top right corner.

  3. Write a description for the file. This description will appear under the attachment's title.
  4. Mark the attachment as private.
    1. Private attachments will only be seen by team members who have permission via the Access Profile settings.
  5. Click +Save attachment to upload the file to your Company Documents.

Documents are accessible to any team member who has the correct access permissions.


The Company Documents feature is meant to be used as storage. Files uploaded as such cannot be further edited once they are saved.

On the Mobile App 

Click on the Account tab and select "Company Documents". 

You will be able to view and sort any files that have been uploaded through the Web App.

    Emailing Company Documents

    If you attach a document from your Company Documents in an email, the file becomes undeletable.

    On the Web App:

    1. Navigate to a Contact record.
    2. Select the +Send Email button located under the Activity tab.
    3. In the email builder window, scroll down until you see the link to Add Attachments.
    4. Click on the Company Documents tab to pull up all of the files you have uploaded to your Company Documents folder. You can then choose which attachment(s) to include in your email and send to your clients.

    Company Documents - Send Attachment

    On the Mobile App:

    1. Navigate to a Contact record.
    2. Click on the Email icon.

    3. Select the paperclip icon and choose "Company Documents".

    4. Choose which file(s) to attach to the email and click "done" when you want to return to the draft.

    Steps for Android 

    1. Click on the Account icon at the top left of your screen


    2. Select "Company Documents".


      You will be able to view and sort any files that have been uploaded through the Web App.

    Note: Company Documents cannot be uploaded via the Mobile App.