
Authentication Failure error

Getting an Authentication Failure error or File not Authenticated

This error can occur when viewing documents or photos, uploading documents or photos, or when loading documents or photos.

Authentication errors will appear when the browser's JobNimbus cache or cookies are out of sync. There are various ways the cache and cookies may get out of sync with the browser. But typically the steps below will resolve this error.


Solutions to resolve:

  1. Logout of JobNimbus, close any additional browser tabs using JobNimbus, log back into JobNimbus
  2. If this doesn't resolve, clear your JobNimbus cache and cookies.
    1. Here's a document showing how to clear cache and cookies: Web Troubleshooting
  3. If this doesn't resolve, try with a different browser. If this new browser works, it's still likely the cache and cookies didn't get cleared in the original browser