If your JobNimbus account is not loading, loading slowly, or has elements such as buttons missing, follow these troubleshooting steps.
If your JobNimbus account is having trouble loading, follow the steps below to troubleshoot and resolve your issue.
Web Troubleshooting
- Make certain that you are using Google Chrome, as JobNimbus is developed to work optimally in Chrome.
- Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera, etc. are not supported.
- Refresh your browser.
- Close all browser tabs and open JobNimbus by itself a new window.
- Log out of JobNimbus and then log back in.
- Check for available browser updates.
- Instructions for checking for Chrome updates can be found here.
- Open an Incognito tab and log in to JobNimbus.
- If JobNimbus loads as expected in Incognito, we can verify that the issue originates with your browser.
- Instructions for opening an Incognito window can be found here.
- Check to see if you have extensions installed on Chrome and toggle them off one at a time, checking to see if JobNimbus successfully loads with extensions disabled.
- In the past, we've encountered problems with Ad Blocking and Anti-Virus extensions. To troubleshoot the issue, we suggest disabling these extensions temporarily to see if they are the root cause.
- Instructions for managing your Google Chrome extensions can be found here.
- If you are using a VPN or Firewall, try disabling them temporarily to see if they contribute to any loading issues.
- Clear your cache.
- If your cache becomes too full of data, it can cause your browser to run slower and cause a variety of issues such as being unable to login even though your credentials are correct, incorrect data appearing on a page or not appearing at all, and updates not appearing even after refreshing the page.
- Click here for steps to clear your cache in Google Chrome. Be sure to set the time range to All Time.
- Open JobNimbus in a different browser to test to see if it works as expected.
- Check your internet connection here.
- Be aware that multiple devices using the same network can cause slower performance, as can activities such as streaming music or video, or sending a large email.
- Restart your computer.
If you are still having issues with JobNimbus either not loading or loading slowly, reach out to our Technical Support team at:
- Phone: (855) 964-6287 x2
- Email: support@jobnimbus.com
- Chat: Click the message bubble icon located at the bottom right corner of your JobNimbus account page.