
How Do I Use Advanced Workflows?

Advanced Workflows create natural checkpoints in your Workflows and allow you to further customize them.

To enable the Advanced Workflows Feature:

  • Click on your profile icon or initials in the top right corner
  • Choose Settings from the drop-down menu
  • Within the Settings menu, open the Features tab
  • Toggle the switch next to Advanced Workflows

Advanced Workflow - Features Enable

Enabling this feature will allow you to limit which team members have permission to move records to selected Statuses, based on their assigned Access Profile.

To use the Advanced Workflows feature:

  • In your Settings, open the desired Workflow tab from the menu on the lefthand side
  • Click on the 3 dots to the right of the Workflow you wish to update
  • Choose "Edit" from the menu

For this example, we will use Contact Workflows, but the process is the same for Job and Work Order Workflows.

Workflows - Menu Contact Workflow

Once in the Edit Workflow window, there will be a new column for Access Profiles.

Advanced Workflows Edit Workflow

To update which Access Profile has permission to interact with a specific Status:

  • Click on the 3 dots to the right of the Status
  • Select "Edit" from the drop-down menu
  • Type the Access Profile(s) into the "This status is accessible to:" field

Advanced Workflow - Status

To remove a Profile from the Status, click on the "X" next to the Access Profile in the field.