
Where Can I Find All of My Clients' Estimates in the Mobile App?

Quickly locate any Estimates associated with your Contacts or Jobs that may need additional attention.

For iOS: 

  • Scroll down the home page to locate the Estimates section under Quick Links. 


  • By default, Estimates will be filtered accordingly: 
    • Assigned To -  Anybody
    • Status - All statuses
    • Signature Status - All statuses
    • Newest to oldest


  • To filter the estimates, simply click on the filter icon located at the top of the page. Once you have applied the filters, click on "done" to finalize your selections.

For Android: 

  • Scroll down the home page to locate the Pending Estimates section. The three results shown here are in either the "Draft" or "Sent" status. 

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  • Click on "View more" to access all available Estimates that are within your viewing permissions based on your access profile.


  • By default, Estimates will be filtered accordingly:
    • Estimate Status: All pending
    • Oldest to newest

  • To customize your filters according to your preferences, simply choose the filter type and select the option that best suits your requirements.