
How Can I See My Archived Contacts on a Board in the Mobile App?

Cards within Lists that are associated with an archived Status can be hidden from view to help keep your Board organized.

The steps outlined in this article will require the use of Board filters.

For iOS

Archiving a Card 

  • When moving a Card to an archived List, the column will display the words "Archive This Card".

Hide Archived

  • To view the show/hide archived button, select the three horizontal lines in the top right and swipe the filter list to the right to see the "Hide Archived" option
  • When this filter is selected:

  • Lists that are associated with an archived Status will display the message "Cards in this column are hidden".
  • A number will appear at the top to indicate how many archived Cards belong to that List.

Show Archived

  • When this filter is selected:

  • Cards will appear as normal.
  • Moving a Card in/out of an archived List will always reveal the "Archive This Card" message (mentioned in the first section), regardless of which filter is enabled.

For Android

Archiving a Card 

  • When moving a Card to an archived List, the column will display the words "Archive This Card" and appear slightly grayed out.


Show/Hide Archived

  • When this filter is selected:


  • Cards will appear as normal.
  • Moving a Card in/out of an archived List will always reveal the "Archive This Card" message (mentioned in the first section), regardless of which filter is enabled.
  • Alternatively, if you de-select Show Archived, the message will appear Cards in this column are hidden.


For details about archived Statuses, check out this article.