Products and Services

How Do I Edit My Products and Services?

Keep the costs and prices of your goods and services up to date within JobNimbus.

To manage your Products & Services:

  • Click on your Profile icon or initials in the top right corner
  • Choose Settings from the drop-down menu

  • Navigate to the Products & Services tab on the left-hand side
Once you're on the Products & Services overview page:
  • Click on the Edit button under the "Manage" column next to the item you want to update

    Products - How to edit

  • The "Edit Product" window will pop up, allowing you to manage the item's name, description, cost, and price

    Product - Edit product


Note: Changes made and saved in these settings will affect line items on all future Estimates, Invoices, Work Orders, Material Orders, Budgets, and Credit Memos.

Line items on a financial document (except for Smart Estimates) that was created prior to saving changes made to your Products & Services will NOT retroactively go into effect; you will need to manually edit any Estimate, Invoice, etc. in order for new costs/prices to reflect.

Smart Estimates, however, WILL reflect changes made to Products and Services without having to manually edit line items.