
What Are the Main Features and Functions of the Insights Dashboards?

Explore a comprehensive outline of the dashboards included in Insights, with tips to empower your team and propel your business towards success.

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Business Overview

Your Business Overview is the first tab that opens upon clicking the Insights tab.

To navigate to this tab, click the three lines on the left side of the Insights Dashboard, then select the Business Overview tab.

Get a quick overview of key metrics to better understand the state of your business. The Business Overview Dashboard is your annual scorecard and reflects data from the current calendar year.


  • Leads: Leads account for jobs that entered the "Lead" stage during the given timeframe.
  • Sold: Sold numbers on the Business Overview Dashboard are based on sold jobs and the total of their related estimates in the "approved" or "invoiced" status.  
  • Close Rate: Close Rates show the percentage of leads collected in a given timeframe that moved to the "Sold" stage during that same timeframe.
  • Estimating Conversion: "Estimating Conversion" rates show the percentage of jobs that entered the "Estimating" stage during a given timeframe and moved to the "Sold" stage within that same period of time.


  • You can monitor the Lead Flow and Historical Sales data year-over-year (YoY) at the bottom of this dashboard.
  • To view data from previous years, simply adjust the date range filter in other dashboards such as Sales and Completed.


To navigate to this tab, click the three lines on the left side of the Insights Dashboard, then select the Sales tab.

Gain valuable insights from JobNimbus Estimates regarding your sales numbers within a given time range to track your leads and sales, and create more accountability for your team.


  • Leads/Close Rate: The Close Rate is calculated by Insights by analyzing all the Leads collected during a specific time period and determining the number of Sold Jobs that came from those Leads.
  • Estimating Conversion: Estimating Conversion rates indicate the proportion of jobs that transitioned from the "Estimating" Stage to the "Sold" Stage within a specific timeframe. This metric provides insight into the effectiveness of converting estimated jobs into actual sales during the same period.
  • Sales: Insights calculates the total amount of sales by taking into account all estimates for any job that was sold during the specified time period, regardless of the status of the estimate.
  • Sales Pipeline: Discover potential obstacles in our sales process by utilizing the sales pipeline, which provides a detailed breakdown of the revenue at each Stage and by Estimate Status.
  • Sales Data: A comprehensive table of raw data that provides all the information related to estimates for a specific Job or Contact.  


  • If you are unable to view any data in the Sales tables, please verify that you are utilizing JobNimbus Estimates.
  • Examine your Workflows and watch for any None Stages, as this may affect your data analysis.
  • To prevent deleted Estimates from appearing in the Sales tables, it is recommended to void unnecessary financial records which will zero out the values on the record. This will ensure that the record does not report in Insights.


To navigate to this tab, click the three lines on the left side of the Insights Dashboard, then select the Workflow tab.

Analyze the duration of Jobs in specific Status or Stage categories based on Sales Rep, Job Type, and Lead Source. This feature helps you identify any bottlenecks or concerns related to productivity.


  • Time in Stage: This feature calculates the time from when a Job or Contact enters a Stage to the time it exits that Stage. It works for all historical time frames, providing valuable insights into the time spent in each stage.
  • Time in Status: The duration of time is calculated for how many days a Contact or Job has remained in a specific Status within your Workflows.


  • Time will accrue for the specified Stage/Status. For example, if a record is in the "Lead" Status/Stage for 2 days, and then is returned to that Status/Stage for an additional 3 days, the total time in that Status/Stage would be 5 days. 
  • Get a more detailed breakdown of the main components of the Insights Workflow Dashboard here. 

Accounts Receivable

To navigate to this tab, click the three lines on the left side of the Insights Dashboard, then select the Accounts Receivable tab.

View all Invoices that are still unpaid and past their due date in a single location.


The following are the Invoice statuses that Insights reads data from.

  • Draft: This status refers to invoices that have been created but are not yet finalized or sent to customers. It is typically used when an invoice is still undergoing review or edits before it is ready to be sent. Insights allows you to easily track these pending invoices to ensure they are processed and sent to customers in a timely manner.

  • Open: Open status refers to invoices that have been sent to customers but have not been paid yet. These invoices are still awaiting payment and are considered outstanding. By monitoring the Open status, you can ensure that these pending invoices are followed up on and payment is collected within a reasonable timeframe.

  • Sent: When you email invoices to customers, they will be automatically moved to the Sent status. This status indicates that the invoice is no longer in the drafting phase and has been officially shared with the customer.

  • Cancelled: Cancelled is typically used when there is a need to retract an Invoice due to errors, changes in customer requirement, or any other reason that renders the Invoice invalid. 

  • Closed: The "Closed" status refers to invoices that have been fully paid and are no longer outstanding. This status indicates that all financial obligations related to the invoice have been met and there is no further action required giving you a clear overview of the invoices that have been settled.
  • Void:  When you void an invoice, it means that the invoice is no longer valid and should not be considered for payment. By moving an invoice to the Void status, all values will be set to zero to ensure that they do not appear in any reports.


  • To view the Invoice Status of Cancelled, Closed, and Void, you can manually add them to the page by adjusting the filter on the right-hand side. This allows you to easily track and manage these specific invoice statuses within the Accounts Receivable Dashboard.
  • By clicking on the bar graphs, you have the ability to drill down into the data and view individual invoices categorized by their status or the number of days they have been outstanding.
  • Accounts Receivable is unable to show the financial details of any parent record that was added to JobNimbus before January 2023.
  • Learn more about the key components and important features of the Accounts Receivable Dashboard here.


To navigate to this tab, click the three lines on the left side of the Insights Dashboard, then select the Completed tab.

Gain insights into the actual performance of your business by analyzing key categories for all completed jobs and the total amount of money received from their closed invoices.


  • A/R and Completed Jobs Data Table: Criteria that needs to be met in order appear on this table, the Invoice must be in the Closed status and the associated record must be in a completed stage.
  • Average Deal Size: This metric is determined by dividing the total amount of closed invoices by the number of completed jobs. This allows you to gain valuable insights into which sales reps are generating the most revenue and which lead sources are the most successful.


  • Analyze the completed jobs by comparing them to the sales data from estimates to identify successful upselling.
  • Identify sales representatives who not only close deals but also successfully follow through until completion.
  • Learn more about the Completed Jobs Dashboard by clicking here.