
How Do I Create a Budget on the Mobile App?

Pre-cap on the go like a pro. Now you can convert estimates to budgets from anywhere.

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For iOS

  • Navigate to a Contact or Job record
  • Select the Files tab and choose Financials from the list 

  • Click the + button at the top right of the screen and Select Budgets.

This will pull up the Budget Builder. 


Here, you can:

  1. Adjust the date that the Budget was created.
  2. Choose a price from which your budget will calculate, either by using an existing Estimate or manually entering the dollar amount.
  3. Add line items.
    1. These line items are pulled from your Products & Services, either by copying them over from an Estimate or manually adding them. Products & Services will use the price and cost you entered to help build your budget. You are unable to add new products or services using Budgets, like you can when creating an Estimate, for example.
      1. Tip: To delete a line item from a Budget, swipe left to reveal a garbage icon on the right side of the line item. 
  4. Record commissions to be paid out to your team members.
  5. Save your Budget so it records under the "Financials" tab of the associated record.
When adding a line item to your Budget, use the description field to enter your product or service. As you type the item name, a list of your saved products will populate from which you can choose.

You can then decide to calculate off of a custom percentage or a specific dollar amount.


When adding a Commission, use the description field to enter the commission details.

Choose to calculate the commission off of a custom percentage or a specific dollar amount of either the job's total price or gross profit.

Select who the commission will be paid out to, whether that be no one in particular, the Sales Rep associated with the job, or another specified team member.


After you have added the commission to your Budget, you can update the details by editing the line item should you need to change the way it is calculated. You can also add commission line items above or below the current line item.


For Android

  • Navigate to a Contact or Job record
  • Click the icon at the bottom right of the screen

  • Select Budgets from the menu.

This will pull up the Budget Builder. 


Here, you can:

  1. Adjust the date that the Budget was created.
  2. Choose a price from which your budget will calculate, either by using an existing Estimate or manually entering the dollar amount.
  3. Add line items.
    1. These line items are pulled from your Products & Services, either by copying them over from an Estimate or manually adding them. Products & Services will use the price and cost you entered to help build your budget. You are unable to add new products or services using Budgets, like you can when creating an Estimate, for example.
      1. Tip: To delete a line item from a Budget, swipe left to reveal a garbage icon on the right side of the line. 
  4. Record commissions to be paid out to your team members.
  5. Save your Budget so it records under the "Financials" tab of the associated record. 

When adding a line item to your Budget, use the description field to enter your product or service. As you type the item name, a list of your saved products will populate from which you can choose.

You can then decide to calculate off of a custom percentage or a specific dollar amount.


When adding a Commission, use the description field to enter the commission details.

Choose to calculate the commission off of a custom percentage or a specific dollar amount of either the job's total price or gross profit.

Select who the commission will be paid out to, whether that be no one in particular, the Sales Rep associated with the job, or another specified team member.


After you have added the commission to your Budget, you can update the details by editing the line item should you need to change the way it is calculated.


When viewing a budget, your projections are clearly called out with visual tools and colors so you know at a glance if you’re on track.