
Adding a New Team Member

Invite your team to collaborate together.

About Teams

Team members are able to see the files in your JobNimbus account. They can make changes and manage the contacts or jobs assigned to them.

Adding Team Members

In your Settings, select "Team" from the left-side menu and then click on the "Invite team member" button in the Manage Team panel.

Settings - Menu Team
Settings - Team Page2
Adding a new Team Member:

Settings JobNimbus 2023-11-08 at 10.20.10 AM (1)

  1. Provide the necessary personal information of your new Team Member.
  2. Choose the Permissions you want your Team Member to have by selecting from the available Roles.
  3. Choose the Access Profile that best suits your Team Member's needs.
  4. Provide the necessary information about the Location where your Team Member will be working.
  5. If you would like, your Team Member has the option to have specific Custom Fields automatically filled in from Contacts, Jobs, and Work Orders when they create new records.
  6. Choose the color you prefer for your Team Member's Calendar Tasks.
  7. Select this checkbox if the Team Member will be fulfilling a Subcontractor role within your company.