
Engage - Frequently Asked Questions


⚠️ All  major US carriers require full registration of an approved "application-to-person" use case. Without this, starting September 1, 2023, there will be a full block of all unregistered US-bound messages.

⚠️ Engage registrations are reviewed through a human review process to manually check all information provided, this process may take 5 days and up to 3 weeks to complete. Ensuring all of your information is accurate when completing Engage registration will ensure a smoother, quicker registration process. 

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Click here to discover how Engage can help you communicate more effectively and improve your customer experience through text.


What are "conversations"?

  • Conversations are the text message threads. Like any cell phone or texting platform, incoming and outgoing texts have different colors and alignments to see who sent them. Message activity is tracked with time stamps and you can easily see who sent each message.

What do the numbers next to each of the tabs indicate?

  • The red bubbles refer to the number of new/unread messages.

How do I mark messages as read or unread?

  • If you have opened a message by accident or otherwise that you are not yet ready to address, you can mark it as "unread". Similarly, you can manually mark a message as "read" to remove the "new message" indicator.
    • On the Web App, click the "Mark as unread" button at the top of an open conversation.

    • On the iOS Mobile App, swipe right (→) on the conversation and click the envelope icon that appears on the lefthand side.

      Engage Frequently Asked Questions 
    • On the Android Mobile App, swipe right (→) on the conversation.

What does "claiming" or "assigning" a message do?

  • In order to send messages, you must first claim or be assigned to a conversation. Without assignment, you are able to see messages, but will not be able to send any messages within that conversation.
    • There are 4 tabs in Engage from which you can sort messages:
      • Assigned to me - These are the conversations that you can actively message. You have either claimed a conversation or had someone on your team assign you a conversation.
      • Unassigned - Conversations typically only exist as "unassigned" in 3 scenarios:
        1. Someone has texted into an Engage phone number for the first time.
        2. A message has been archived, but the homeowner has texted in again, which places the conversation into "unassigned".
        3. A team member has been removed from Engage and all of their active conversations automatically move to "unassigned".
      • Assigned to Others - These are all of the conversations occurring in your Engage account that are not assigned to the user viewing the tab. This tab is especially helpful for admins wanting to track all company communications.
      • Archived - Archived messages are saved in JobNimbus forever, but no longer clutter the list of active conversations. This way, you can always reference old conversations. If the homeowner messages through an archived conversation, it will automatically be moved into "unassigned".

Tip: Automated Texts will be Archived. This is by design to prevent your general inbox from becoming cluttered with Automated messages. 

What happens to conversations that are assigned to a team member who is no longer active in JobNimbus?

  • When a team member has been removed, all of their active conversations automatically move to "unassigned".

Do I need to manually type in a recipient's phone number when starting a new conversation from the Engage tab on the Web App?

  • Nope! You can search for a Contact's name in the recipient field to automatically populate their number instead of having to first navigate to their page or type the number in manually.

Does Engage support group texting?

  • No, the system was developed as a 1:1 text message platform. This is a feature that may be explored in the future. Keep an eye out for updates!

Can I save messages as drafts before sending?

  • Yes; when you type out a text message and navigate away from the page, your progress will be saved when you return to that conversation.

Can I be notified of a text on the Web App?

  • Yes! You will see a badge notification on the Engage icon if you have a new message.
  • Additionally, for Google Chrome users, a notification will appear at the top right of your screen when you're logged into JobNimbus. These notifications will show up even if you are not currently in the Engage tab. Clicking on the pop-up will navigate you to the conversation associated with the notification.
    • Follow the steps outlined here to enable Chrome notifications.

Automated Texting

Customers must explicitly opt-in to texting before receiving automated text messages.

For informational related messages, such as job updates and appointment reminders, this consent is assumed if the customer texts you first and/or provides their mobile number with verbal consent. For promotional or marketing related text messages, you must receive consent in writing before sending.

It is your responsibility to gather consent for texting. These regulations are required by federal law.

Will automated text messages send out when they are triggered, no matter the time of day?

  • No; per federal regulations, Automations will only send texts between 8am and 9pm of the company's local time zone.

Is there a limit to how many text messages I can have sent out automatically?

  • Sending a large number of messages in a short period of time may cause a temporary block by telecommunication carriers. Try not to send more than 10 texts per second to avoid any potential interruption in service.

What are some common Template Fields I can plug into an automated message?

  • Contact-specific
    • {{ContactFirstName}}
  • Job-specific
    • {{JobNumber}}
  • Task-specific
    • {{TaskTimeStart}}
  • Estimate-specific
    • {{EstimateDateEstimate}}
  • Invoice-specific
    • {{InvoiceNumber}}
  • Work Order-specific
    • {{WorkOrderTimeStart}}

Tip: The Sales Rep Image fields for Contacts and Jobs:
do not work with automated texting and will show as a URL on the receivers end. Sending photos through automated text messages is not supported with Engage.

Details on using a text message as an Automation Action can be found here.
Automation Recipes for common use cases can be found here.


Can I text a phone number without creating a JobNimbus Contact first?

  • Yes; you can compose and send a message to a phone number without creating a Contact. Once you do create a Contact, Engage will match the phone number to the new Contact and automatically show their details.
What happens if someone who is not  a Contact in JobNimbus texts an Engage number?
  • The conversation will be labeled as the incoming phone number instead of a name. As soon as you create the Contact in JobNimbus, the Contact details will sync with the phone number and conversation.

Do text messages appear under a Contact's Activity Feed?

  • Yes! You can view and reply to messages directly from the Activity Feed.
    (Note: clicking "Reply" will navigate you to the conversation in the Engage tab.)

Note: Texts will not show in the Job Activity feed.


How much does Engage cost?

  • There are three plans from which you can choose:
    Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 8.58.11 AM

    How are Engage access permissions determined?

    • Engage permissions are determined using JobNimbus Access Profiles. These settings are only available to Access Profiles that have “Account Settings” access in JobNimbus.

    What is the difference between Company and User Default Numbers?

    • Details can be found here.

    What are Template Messages and who can edit them?

    • Template messages are prebuilt messages (with optional merged fields) that allow someone to quickly click a message or response, apply it to a conversation, and send. 
    • Any Team Member can use templated messages; however, only those with JobNimbus Settings access will be able to edit, create, or delete them.

    What merged fields are available in Engage for Template Messages and reference?

    • Contact
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Email
      • Mobile Number
      • Street 1
      • Street 2
      • City
      • State
      • Zip
      • Date Created
    • Assigned User
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Email
      • Mobile Number
      • Company Name
      • Street 1
      • Street 2
      • City
      • State
      • Zip

    How do credits work in Engage?

    • 1 credit is defined as one text segment of up to 160 characters. If a text contains 161 characters, 2 credits would be used. When typing a message, you will be able to see how many credits it will take to send.
      • Each billing cycle, you will receive a certain amount of included credits (200, 2,000, or 10,000). The included credits have no cash value and expire at the end of a billing cycle.

    What happens if I run out of message credits and how do I set my "recharge point"?

    • Once you expend your allotted credits, your account will automatically purchase additional credits according to the recharge point and amount you have set up. The value of each purchased credit is determined by your chosen Engage plan ($0.05 or $0.03). Additional credit purchases do not expire at the end of the billing period.

    How does using Emojis or special characters impact credits?

    • Adding Emojis or other special characters to your message increases the number of characters in the text and decreases the character allowance per segment.
      • Standard Text

      • Text with Emojis
    • What qualifies as a "special character"?
      • The following symbols and letter variations will affect your character allowance the same way Emojis do:
        ¢ ¦ ¨ © ª « ¬ ® ¯ ° ± ¹ ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ À Á Â Ã È Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ò Ó Ô Õ × Ù Ú Û Ý Þ á â ã ç ê ë í î ï ð ó ô õ ÷ ú û ý þ ÿ